Scen: Chottes kontor med Chotten i det. Biljetter till en massa olika konserter med bland annat The National och Feist och till The Metropolitan Opera hänger på väggen. En chef träder in på rummet.
Chefen: Cool! Concert tickets!
Chotte: I know! Really nice tickets too. You wanna go? I have no one to go with cause no one likes me.
Chefen: Oh... *rufsar Chotten i håret* Are you seeing anyone at the moment?
Chotte: No.
Chefen: But... You are attractive and smart and a general knockout, you should have men fall head over heels for you!
Chotte: Uhm. Just, ja. (fast på engelska)
Chefen: Charlotte... I don't understand, are your demands on men just way off the charts? If so, can't you just slum it* for a while?
Chotte: I am trying, really I am!
*Dating or, usually, fucking someone much less attractive than oneself.