tisdag, oktober 14, 2008

T-mobile sucks!


Som pilsk utan p, det är jag ikväll.

Jag är trött och arg och istället för att tvinga Millennium Falken (jag tänker stava det så) att jobba eller för den delen mig själv att läsa i ekonomiboken sitter jag här och surar. Osten är slut och allra helst vill jag gå över till lilla Butiken Intill och köpa något onyttigt, som glass eller chips eller glass med chipssmak.

Som självterapi kommer här ett litet public service meddelande och då jag syftar till att hämnas och kanske varna någon blivande kund skriver jag det på engelska ity företaget jag ilskar mig över inte säljer så mycket till svenskar. Och det mina vänner, ska ni vara jämrans glada för.

T-mobile sucks, it's the truth, they really, really do. I am forced to use their phone services since my company uses them and I am right now considering finding a new job. I'll do anything just as long as they won't make me use a T-mobile cell phone. Call me if you know of any openings, please. Or, never mind, 'cause you won't get hold of me SINCE MY EFFING PHONE WON'T WORK.

Uhm. Sorry about that.

So, what is the problem with T-mobile, you might ask? It's manifold, I tell you. First of all they have no coverage anywhere. You can be just about anywhere and when you look at your phone it will be struggling to find 1 or maybe 2 bars on the signal scale. I found it absolutely hilarious when I today had problems with getting a signal IN A T-MOBILE STORE. Oh, sorry, I did it again. Is that irony or what? The representative I talked to failed to see the humour in the situation... Strange.

While we're at it, I have a couple of things to say about the people T-mobile employ. They suck. And they don't suck in that fun way that people can suck, no; they suck in an infuriating and absolutely mind numbing way. They have no concept of service and I have still only met one person in possession of something slightly resembling intelligence and competence. And, they never smile. Could it be because all their customers are unhappy, I wonder?

Whatever you do if you're shopping for a new cell phone provider, don't go for T-mobile. If you do I will hunt you down and drop-kick you. All my soon-to-be-former-colleagues think I can do that and you better trust them. Also, if you buy something from them you will be making a deal with the devil and you will be eternally unhappy but that's not as important as the whole drop-kicking part. Remember that.


#Made by Lena