Öppet brev till Corren
Låt mig börja med att säga att jag prenumererat på Corren i snart 40 år och
värdesätter en lokal/regional morgontidning mycket högt. Jag vill – och har
8 år sedan
Farligt oorganiserat, fullkomligt ostädat, skrynkligt och dant.
#Made by Lena
2 kommentarer:
Enligt Pratchett:
light, sound and speed
A famous disc philosopher has argued that light cannot possibly the fastest thing there is: No matter how fast it really travels somewhere, darkness always seems to get there first.
Because of the disc's enormous magical field, at sunrise, the morning light flows over like thick golden syrup, accumulating in valleys and then slowly crawling over the top of an hillside. The same can be said about the night, which spreads like plum jam.
Another notable thing on light and would be, that scientists raised its speed in order to be able to travel faster.
And sound: yet again silence is merely the absence of sound. Anti-sound is the noise one gets when the fabric of reality rips open.
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