måndag, september 27, 2010


Efter att ha intervjuat en hel hög (18) personer har jag nu kommit fram till att tennisbollar visst är gula! Av de tillfrågade svarade 12 att tennisbollarna är gula, fyra hävdade att de var gröna och två sa något helt annat.

Ha! Sug på den, Bacheloren!

12 kommentarer:

WJK3 sa...

Your methodology is flawed in that you are relying on unreliable visual recall rather than an in person control.....We shall carry balls!

Jesper Karlqvist sa...

Unfortunately (for Charlotte) I'd have to agree with the artist formerly known as the Bachelor. You have primarily asked Swedes about the color of a tennis ball. For us, the answer is an obvious "yellow" (-ish) color. However, Connecticutian balls might have a totally different color altogether.

An example of different standard colors is very visible in American college movies - check out the plastic cups at frat parties: always red.

You'll have difficulties finding a red plastic cup in Sweden. Here they're all transparent or white. Or brown, if you're still in the 1970's.

But I want to know - what color tennis ball do you have in the states?

Rikard sa...

Here are some of the tennis ball rules adopted by International Tennis Federation and being in effect today:
1) Tennis ball must have uniform outer surface which must consist of a fabric cover and be yellow or white in color. All seams on the ball surface, if any, must be stitchless.
2) Any ball must comply with the weight requirements ........

Source (this is a good one): Search Your Love - Online Dating Service

Krk sa...

de är gröna! Im with you, Bachie.

Krk sa...

de är gröna! Im with you, Bachie.

krk sa...

Och det ser ju vem som helst att den gula tårtbiten i diagrammet ovan har en misstänkt grön ton. Här är det nån som lägger siffrorna och nyanserna till rätta!

WJK3 sa...

The problem is not with where you are or what he color may or may not be called, but what the color actually is....I'm starting to think that we may have stumbled upon a problem for the human genome project - some see yellow, some see green

WJK3 sa...

And that is why every commenter here has won a trip to the Wilson Tennis Ball Factory!!!!!

WJK3 sa...

Post the code of the color you see when you look at a standard tennis ball http://www.webspectrum.org/

Kristian sa...

Jag vann! Jag vann! Vad har jag vunnit?

I det mörkaste rum ser även den vita duken svart ut. Och jag lovar att solen inte byter färg när den närmar sig horisonten - Det ser bara ut så.

Leif sa...

One of my customers just brought a green and yellow paper to compare with Bachie's FB profile picture. The stupid ball is more green than Yellow??

WJK3 sa...

See these:


#Made by Lena