torsdag, april 02, 2009

Herre jösses!

En, äkta, riktig, konversation med en bachelor (vi kallar honom Galenpanna #1) bara så ni får se vad jag får leva med:

Galenpanna #1: hi
Galenpanna #1: I am JEFF

Galenpanna #1: I work in the medical field
Galenpanna #1: I like the beach and traveling how are you?
Galenpanna #1: it says you like martial arts do you do karate?
wyrd_sister: Jui jutsu
Galenpanna #1: wow cool
wyrd_sister: Retired now, though.
Galenpanna #1: oh at least you tried it
Galenpanna #1: if I am around you I will make sure im wearing my cup haha
wyrd_sister: I only hit people I like.
Galenpanna #1: haha lots of people like my personality so i guess you might be hitting me
wyrd_sister: You never know.
Galenpanna #1: yeah i will def be wearing my cup arouind you hehe
Galenpanna #1: a women on here said that a male chastity belt on a guy is exciting for them to see
wyrd_sister: Uhm... ok? I'm not quite following. About the cup?
Galenpanna #1: oh if you were to kick the person you like I hope it wouldnt be in between the legs
Galenpanna #1: women go for the groin a lot
wyrd_sister: I prefer the eyes. Quite efficient.
Galenpanna #1: oh wow you are a bad chick
Galenpanna #1: so I guess women love it when a guy cant mes around it gives them a sense of power over them
wyrd_sister: What do you mean?
Galenpanna #1: when a guy is wearing a chastity belt the women knows he cant mess around so the idea of that turns on the women
Galenpanna #1: do you find that would turn you on?
wyrd_sister: No. You got to be kidding me.
Galenpanna #1: hum I dont know either so when have you been to the casino or your fav bar?Galenpanna #1: I hav ebeen doing martialo arts for over 20 yrs
Galenpanna #1: do you dance
Galenpanna #1: it is hard to se your pic
Galenpanna #1: r u ther
Galenpanna #1: u need a new pic
Galenpanna #1: all i know you could have warts on your face
Galenpanna #1: gotta go if youer not talking
*** Galenpanna #1's IC window is closed

Nytt lågvattenmärke. Ursäkta mig medan jag går och tvättar mina ögon med Svinto.

4 kommentarer:

Mialiten sa...

Jisses. Det var ju en välgärning att du inte behövde träffa honom live.

Anonym sa...


krk sa...

att du höll ut så länge som du gjorde!

Jesper Karlqvist sa...

Jag tänder på killar i suspensoar...


#Made by Lena